nature teacher
birds on cape cod
Though I can’t guarantee the Massachusetts state bird will land on your hand, I can say with confidence that the Black-capped Chickadee is almost always your first customer at a new yard bird feeder. Connecting to nature through birds is a benefit of being outside. It’s a gift I enjoy sharing, and I have designed the cape cod bird nerd experiences with that in mind.

nature teacher
birds on cape cod
Though I can’t guarantee the Massachusetts state bird will land on your hand, I can say with confidence that the Black-capped Chickadee is almost always your first customer at a new yard feeder. Connecting to nature through birds is a benefit of being outside. It’s a gift I enjoy sharing, and I have designed the cape cod bird nerd experiences with that in mind.
Fun for all ages
Cape Cod Bird Nerd experiences are designed with fun in mind, because to me, birds are never boring. Ornithology IS fun! There is much to learn about the same bird that visits your yard, especially if it’s a species that is familiar to you. Experiences are meant to be outdoors, though weather can be a factor. Though not optimal, we can bring some of the experiences indoors. Rain dates are sometimes recommended.

fun for all ages
Cape Cod Bird Nerd experiences are designed with fun in mind, because to me, birds are never boring. Ornithology IS fun! There is much to learn about the same bird that visits your yard, especially if it’s a species that is familiar to you. Experiences are meant to be outdoors, though weather can be a factor. Though not optimal, we can bring some of the experiences indoors. Rain dates are sometimes recommended.
what others say about gretchen
I’ve known Gretchen for 4 years, and worked with her for two summers. She is passionate, unique, kind, engaging, thoughtful, and intelligent. Her attention to detail and energy on bird walks and lessons never fail to engage the whole group. Her excitement and knowledge inspire curiosity in all ages, children and adults! I highly recommend the Cape Cod Bird Nerd!
With the birds so active these days I could listen to you for hours! Talking to them and telling us what they are up to … and with whom! Or with which one!
Just awesome
I love Blue Jays and I like Robins a lot
If you or someone you care about is a nature lover, check out The Cape Cod Bird Nerd’s website. My boys have grown up knowing and loving Gretchen, appreciating her for her sense of humor, love of creatures, responsibility to the environment, and general silliness.Her tours are informative and fun.
When it comes to nature and birds, Gretchen is very knowledgeable and passionate. I worked with Gretchen at Scargo, we always took the kids on bird walks and did follow-up fun activities afterwards. Her lessons are very engaging and provide hands-on learning which is great for children.
Looking for something fun and different to do this summer? Check out my friend Gretchen and her amazing knowledge of birds. I call her regularly with questions
about what I see around the Cape.